Family pictures

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Collin is in the MTC!

Sorry for the long hiatus from the blog but I've been real busy. I'll blog about each week individually later and give a quick update here. After we returned home from our trip it was a week of rest and then off to chaperon the youth activity at Lake Powell. It was great and an adventure as Lake Powell always is. Beautiful too! We didn't return home but went straight to Cedar City to drop off Emily and Madelyn at SUU for EFY. Spencer and Melissa went to Brian Head to stay with Aunt Ronda and crew and Collin and I headed to Provo to do some missionary shopping. We stayed with my good friend Sheila and had a blast. After all our shopping was finished we headed back to Brian Head and played around then went back to Cedar City to pick up the girls and head home. We had a day to wash our clothes and then we headed back to the mountains for girls camp! The most exciting news there was the regular appearance of a bear! The "no food in the A frames" rule was at an all time high for compliance. Yea! The stake YW president and I stayed up late on the last night just so we could see the bear and we were not disappointed! I thought he was rather big and no small puppy. I wasn't sure I wanted to get out of the car after I got a good look at him. After girls camp I had a week to rest, sort of. Spencer was off to scout camp and they needed another adult leader so Collin decided to go. He also needed to go through the temple before he left. Hmmmm...what to do? Here's what happened. Collin and Spencer went down to Fiesta Island which is located on Mission bay in San Diego. On Tuesday afternoon Collin left the camp and met Rich and I at the San Diego Temple and took out his endowments. We went to dinner afterwards then he went back to camp and us home. The next day he woke up and went back to the temple with all the scouts to do baptisms. How cool is that for he and Spencer? He came home late Wednesday night and we continued to prepare for his entry into the MTC. So now he is in the MTC and I'll post all the details later. It was GREAT and I loved it!


maines said...

What a crazy summer it has been! So full of memories that are not soon to be forgotten. I'm glad to have you all back though! :-) In YW today, we wrote letters to Collin. Can I get his MTC address? You can email it to me or post it on your blog somewhere. Thanks!

sheila said...

whew!!I bet it is great to be home for a few weeks before school and seminary starts. Your family picture turned out great! What a beautiful family. What a blessing it is to you guys to have Colin on a mission. Christmas and Mothers Day will be extra special the next two years. Congrats!!