Family pictures

Monday, September 20, 2010


These are the pictures of today's harvest. Fifty-three limes. Yesterday it was 57 but I didn't pick any up on Saturday. I'm juicing and freezing daily. Giving away as many as I can. If you want some and are local, come and get 'em!

Pictures 1 year apart.

The top image is the first day of school for 2010 and the bottom one is for 2009. Anyone notice a big difference?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The other pics!

Here are all the pictures that were taken. I wish I'd remembered to take a video but, oh well. The pic posted below is here as well as one of his foot (gender is not yet known so don't think I'm pulling one over on you!) The others are just more pictures. Enjoy.

The real picture!

Here's the newest photograph of the soon to be newest member of our family, little squirt. Madelyn came with me and got to see the whole thing. She loved it. We could see little squirt flipping all around and everything. We even saw him sucking. So cute. We didn't find out the gender but I've always thought it was a boy. But I have been known to be wrong.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

News spreads.

More and more people are finding out. Today a random person from another ward in another building came up to my husband and offered her congratulations. My thoughts, "How the heck did she find out?!" We love to talk. Especially when it's something shocking about others. We survived the first week of school. Seminary starts next week with even more changes. The stake has decided to mess with the system in our building. Great. I have a list of questions to throw out at the parent meeting. When something isn't broke, why try to fix it? Should be interesting and even a little fun to grill the stake representative if they come? My kids think I have more testosterone than usual because I enjoy a little friendly debate more than usual lately. Bwahahaha! Especially when I have lots of doctrine to back me up. Life goes on. Study hard, work hard and pray hard!