Family pictures

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I thought I'd change the layout of the blog for 2 reasons. One, I haven't read many books for a while and two, Rich is about to get his pilot's license! Yay! So something up in the clouds, not that we ever have many here, was appropriate.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

12 & 20 Birthday Balloons!

This week Melissa turned 12 and our family started a new tradition. We bought 12 balloons and attached a note to each one. The beginning of the note said, "I love you because..." Each person in the family fills out one or more then we attached them to the balloons and floated them in her room above her bed! She loved them. We also sent Emily a package for her birthday this week. Contained in the package were 20 card completed with the same "I love you because..." phrase. Collin went and bought balloons, tied on the note cards and floated them in her room. She liked them too! I love my daughters!
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Photo Credit: Trevor Christensen