Family pictures

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Busy, bizzie, bissy!

Ok. So it's been a while. We have moved into the new to us house. We've been in about 6 weeks. Boxes of stuff everywhere. The organization is slow and I'm still trying to be the happy Christmas festive mother in the midst of all this stuff. We have a huge load to take to D. I. when we get around to it. It all will be put away or thrown away eventually! Little bits at a time.
So yesterday I spent most of the day getting Collin's package sent off. Here's a pic of the cute ornament I made for him. I think it turned out well. I'm running busy everyday and wishing I had time to enjoy the season. Wishing I had sent out Christmas cards. Wishing I were 3 people instead of 1. But I forge ahead. Merry Christmas! Enjoy the season.