Family pictures

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We're home! Yay! We arrived home on July 4th around 5pm or so. Most of the family walked right in and climbed into bed and slept. Melissa, Rich and I stayed awake until about 7 and then laid down for a quick nap which ended up being a big sleep. Around 2 am I woke to find Emily and Spencer playing a game. I decided to do some laundry since I was awake anyway. Melissa soon joined us. By 4:30am everyone was up and now it's 8am and it feels like noon or so. Adjusting to the time change should be fun. Anyway, more later.


Political Duckie said...

Im so glad your home!!

Such an understatement, more than glad! :) Im thrilled you guys got home safely, and now you have so much to tell!

sheila said...

Welcome home!! I will call you on Monday. maybe by then you will be adjusted to the time change.