Family pictures

Monday, December 8, 2008

Life for the rest of us.

Emily was right when she said our blog had become mainly about Collin and his mission adventures. The rest of us do have lives. They're just normal busy stuff. Here's a bit about what's been going on. I think Emily mentioned that we were in Santa Monica a few weeks ago for a choir thing for her. What she didn't say was that Rich was involved in a rescue at the beach by the pier. We were sitting there on the beach waiting for Emily's rehearsal to end when I heard what I first thought was a strange sounding seagull. The bird didn't have it's beak open so I looked around to see where this strange noise was coming from. I saw a women knee deep in the water and she was sort of screaming. I wasn't sure if this was a game or what. It appeared that the guy with her was splashing around in the water and grabbing her leg. I wondered if they were playing "shark in the water-I got you" or something. It became evident that she was in distress so I turned to Rich and motioned for him to get up and help her. He jumped up and ran into the water and started helping her drag him to shore. He has plenty of medical and boy scout training and used it. I called 911. The lifeguard showed up after what felt like a long time. About 7 emergency vehicles of various sorts showed up including a helicopter. It was all very exciting. Rich believes that the guy had some sort of seizure in the water. He was sitting up and fine by the time we left which was fairly soon as we had to get Emily. He was still carted away in an ambulance though.
I'm surviving seminary and the club volleyball drive-a-thon which started last week. It appears that Madelyn and Melissa will have one practice at the same time. They're both learning quickly and having tons of fun doing it.
Spencer got glasses and so did his cousin, Nicholas. The audible gasps that we heard when he saw things with his new eyes was very funny! He is, as always, ridiculously funny about everything.
Collin is well this week and told us more about his comp. He is from Rome and the new temple will be about 5 minutes from his home.

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