Family pictures

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Italian Job

The news from Collin is that he has a new comp. Here are the details from his letter along with a few other funny things.

Elder C. was transferred and my new companion is Elder D. i got an italian companion before Jordan. hee hee. He studied for 12 years to become a Catholic Priest and lived in the Vatican with the Pope John paul and was the Pope's assistant. He got a little vacation before his ordination and 2 missionaries knocked on his door. After they taught him the Book of Mormon, he felt the Holy Ghost and was converted. He has an awesome testimony. Oh, and he can't drive here, so I get to drive now. He knows spanish. And italian, greek, latin and aramaic. Along with english. We went to the turkey bowl in the morning and had fun there. For dinner we went to sister L's house with a bunch of her relatives. We are going there for Christmas as well. She is a very good cook. We totally decorated the apartment and have 2 christmas trees. 1 real, 1 fake. I have more proof besides the belt buckle and cowboy hat that I am serving in east Texas. On Saturday as we pulled up to our dinner appointment, a bunch of people were dressed in camo were hanging out by the front door and a dead buck lay on the lawn. During and after dinner we got to see it strung up and butchered. It was Michael S.'s first deer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you love me