Family pictures

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Girls Camp, the details.

Girls Camp was held this year during a different week than our Stake was used to. Somehow it was changed from the week we've had for 30 years or so. We were not informed of the change until February. This was bad because a LOT of girls and their families had already scheduled their vacations and such. We thought the numbers would be really low but they weren't so bad. Anyway, we had a great group of YCL's that really did a great job. This year the stake leaders stayed in the cabins with the YCL's. That turned out to be really fun. We learned a lot about the girls and they probably learned a few weird things about us. We had a couple of trips to the hospital with sick leaders and those turned out okay. The YCL's added a trip to the lake this year which was a smashing success! They also did a hike which was much better than last years. It was well marked and well traveled. There were some geocaches on the trail and since we were bringing up the rear anyway Susan Finch and I did some caching. It was a fun hike. The best part of camp was the bear! He showed up on Monday, Thursday and Friday nights. Some girls actually saw the bear at the trash cans and a ward testimony meeting. They thought it was exciting as did we! I stayed up and saw the bear with Susan Finch on Friday night. It was great! We actually got more sleep this year than others because of the sleeping arrangements. The awards were changed from Saturday morning to another date so that we could clean up and leave as soon as possible. That was nice. We arrived home around noon. Great! A note about the picture. I somehow ended up taking it and the timer wasn't working so I cloned myself in later. Here it is.

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