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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

This morning as I was hiking I thought about how much I love certain podcasts and thought I'd share them with all of you. After all, podcasting was the reason I wanted an ipod.
1st- NPR: Wait, Wait... don't tell me!
I love this one. It has me laughing all the time. People look at me funny because I sometimes burst out laughing while hiking. It's NPR's weekly news quiz show along with some stuff that they make up.
2nd is a tie. I like each of these equally but I'll go with what I discovered first.
KCRW's Good Food. This is their description of the show: "Your weekly treat from Evan Kleiman. By tuning in to Good Food, you can discover great restaurants that you've never heard of, the politics of consumption, explorations of cultures through their food customs and some of the most interesting people who devote their lives to various elements of the food supply." I like this one because I learn all sorts of random stuff about food. I also have picked up a few good reads about the science behind why we eat what we do and how much etc. That book is called "Mindless Eating" by Brian Wansink. Lots of food studies and stuff like that. I learned how to make a delicious no knead bread from this show, an apple galette and other random food stuff. Love it.
WBEZ's This American Life. This is their description:Official free, weekly podcast of the award-winning radio show "This American Life." First-person stories and short fiction pieces that are touching, funny, and surprising. Hosted by Ira Glass, from WBEZ Chicago Public Radio. In mp3 and updated Mondays.
Just plain interesting like people are.
3rd Their description:LDS Moms who like to talk (and talk and...)
It's like sitting around with family or friends without being able to comment. (A lot of times that's a good thing. Just listen.) Good recipes, lessons learned, parenting moments, escapades of family life etc.
Seasonally, I love to listen to most college football podcasts. Fight On!

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Melissa said...
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