Family pictures

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Last Night

I was whirling around on the dance floor.
I was Sandy, crooning about last summer with Danny.
I was a live wire; I was unstoppable; I was singing Hairspray.
I was jumping up and down, trying to sing a song I'd never heard.
I was swinging and spinning around with Stephanie, giddy on centrifugal force.

I was a rock star; I was a dancer; I was someone I didn't know.
I was not afraid of anything.

To sum it up, let's just say last night was a-mazing. Maybe I overuse parallel structure sometimes, (i.e. I am the Rajah of Reconciliation!) but how else could I convey to you the way things were then?
We were geniuses; we were the thought of tomorrow; we were eating cookies.



Melissa said...

How yummy were the cookies Emily B.? Were they super-d-duper yummy?

Melissa said...

I bet they were.yummy-yummy-yummy yummy.