Family pictures

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's happening.

A lot is happening. One reason it's been difficult to blog recently is because our PC's have been crashing and getting infected with malicious viruses. Not fun. This is why we love having a Mac. No problems ever. YAY! Dropping off Emily at BYU was fun and exciting. She is having a great time and you should check out her blog. The tile in the new house is complete and getting grouted tomorrow. The cabinets are arriving on Tuesday. Things are coming together. It will be fun to move. All the dejunking that has to come will be interesting. Not looking forward to saying, "What's this and do we need to keep it?" Anyway, all is well on the home front. Oh yes. I was released as a seminary teacher and called to be YW President. YIKES! Rich was released as 2nd Counselor and called as 1st. Big change. Collin is well and serving in Plano. Right next to the area he just served in. We await more pictures.

1 comment:

Kari World Conqueror said...

I haven't heard from Collin in awhile (partly because I've been lame with my correspondence). It's good to hear he's doing well. :)