Family pictures

Monday, June 22, 2009

Florence, Italy

This morning as I was typing my email to Collin the phone rang. It was 7:10 am. Who calls that early? Only family! I felt it must be the girls so I answered the phone. I couldn't hear anything but I was sure it was them. I hung up and they called again. This time I could hear them and we agreed to skype. It was great to see them and hear their voices. Best of all was to know that they are safe and having a great time. They ran into the high school group at the Louvre and that was wonderful! Currently they're in Florence, Italy. They have ridden on lots of trains and their plans are continually evolving and changing. It's good that they adapt well. The rest of us attended a family reunion and got to talk and play with cousins the whole weekend. We each received a few bug bites and accumulated a nice layer of dirt. It wasn't too bad this time because the weather was cooler so we didn't sweat as much. It was weird to have only 2 children with us. Lots of fun! Sorry for the short post but I have to go catch up with my life.

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