Family pictures

Monday, September 15, 2008

News from Quitman.

Collin is in a small (2000 people) town in Texas named Quitman. Here is some of what's happening from his most recent emails.

We got permission from the mission president to use a member's computer to email
home because the library here in Quitman is closed on Monday. Kind of weird, but
thats how it is here in Quitman.
I dont know how much you heard about hurricane Ike. On Friday night we got
a call that the area authority had ordered all the missionaries to stay in their
apartments all day saturday. So we did. We barely survived. A tree fell on the roof
of our Apartment and the roof blew away in the 80 mph winds. it was crazy. we are
not sure what we are going to do now.

This had me freaked a little then I read on...

Just kidding. it was pretty boring. we still did have to stay in our apartment,
but nothing really happened here. not even any thunder or lightning. I doubt the
winds ever got over 30, probably less than that. and only 2 inches of rain. We didnt
even lose power. The only thing that i thought was cool was that halfway through
the day the wind and rain and clouds switched direction. everything was going west,
then it turned and went east. obviously because its a hurricane. still it was cool.
i just basically read Jesus the Christ all day. the storm was supposed to last longer,
and we were told to stay in on sunday as well. They changed that Sunday morning,
and we went out though we didnt really have any plans. Church was cancelled because
refugees could have stayed in the building though none did. We went to another nondenominational
service just to check it out. it was interesting.
So the weather wasnt bad. it was a lot worse in Houston and Galveston.
it was even worse in the mid west. and last i heard it was up by chicago. I dont
know. All i know is that i havent had a real storm yet.
So everything is going well. i got the screws you sent today. and i finally
got all the letters i had coming on saturday morning.
Oh, and i met with Grandpa and Grandma Shill on Wednesday. That was fun.
Did you know some people in the ward here used to live in Lehi. they are the Frazee's.
He is in the Bishopric. They got their temple recommends when they first went to
the temple from Otto Shill. that was cool to find out.
So right now we are teaching a spanish family. only their son speaks good
english, so we get by. it makes me wish i knew better spanish though. We are teaching
2 new guys tonight that we gave BoMs to. We are also teaching an old guy from Chicago
that was impressed with the church at Nauvoo back in the 60's. He seems really
interested, the only problem is that he just had an operation on his eyes and cant
read right now. So we have to wait a bit on that one. I am meeting a lot of people
and getting used to the humidity a little bit. it is cooling down, especially with
the storm.

So all is well but that first bit had me fooled for a bit though.

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