Family pictures

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hum Hum Hum...

Mwahaha! Another post by the notorious Emily!
Today I will be ranting on... EFY registration!
It's pretty much the downfall of all my dreams of going to Provo this year for EFY (currently squashed unceremoniously). My motives may be skewed, however, I still persist.
Madelyn, Megan, and I are going to Cedar City. Once again, I will get the completely random roommate and forget to keep in touch. And I'll probably play in the variety show and no one will ask me to dance before they see it.
But, after all the negatory news, EFY is still a highlight of my summer. In contrast, I could get an amazing roommate and be friends for life. And people (even guys) might actually take a liking to me before I get to the piano! However, what actually matters about that I'm even going to EFY (thanks, Mom) is that I remember why I'm even member of the church. I have never been as happy as when I am doing the right thing and spiritual experiences like EFY manufactures are a great reminder of that.
If only I could take everyone home with me...


Political Duckie said...

I wanna gooooo!!!


how many suitcases are you allowed? :P

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your doing good things. Keep it up. I finally found the poem you wrote, about The B's. Everyone loved it . They all wanted a copy. Your a much talented girl. Love you, Bye.

maines said...

So proud of you Em! You are awesome. You just need to figure out a way to have a piano with you at all times. Maybe you can strap a keyboard around your neck and carry it with you playing everywhere you go. Then you won't have to wait until after the talent show to display your amazing gift. Although, it could be hard to dance with that thing hanging in front of you swaying back and forth. On second thought, maybe not such a good idea after all.
sister green